Custom Iron-On Clothing Labels

iron-on clothing labels on pink and gray shirt and purple socks

Custom Iron-On Clothing Labels

Our iron-on clothing labels are perfect for parents and guardians who want a more permanent label. These name labels can be ironed directly to the fabric in a few simple steps. We have iron-on stickers in three popular shapes and a value pack. Add our iron-on labels to your child’s entire wardrobe, including socks and hats. You can even use our iron-on name tags for towels, sleeping bags, and bedding!

Custom Iron-On Clothing Labels

dots pacific surf slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots sublime lime slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots alpine glow slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots beluga blue slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots powderpuff pink slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots pacific surf rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots sublime lime rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots alpine glow rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots beluga blue rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots powerpuff pink rectangle iron-on clothing labels dots pacific surf circle iron-on clothing labels dots sublime lime circle iron-on clothing labels dots alpine glow circle iron-on clothing labels dots beluga blue circle iron-on clothing labels dots powderpuff pink circle iron-on clothing labels

iron-on clothing labels

Dots Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon green rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon green circle iron-on clothing labels dragon green slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon red rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon red circle iron-on clothing labels dragon red slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon blue rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon blue circle iron-on clothing labels dragon blue slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon purple rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon purple circle iron-on clothing labels dragon purple slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon orange rectangle iron-on clothing labels dragon orange circle iron-on clothing labels dragon orange

iron-on clothing labels

Dragon Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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elephant baby pink slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant white baby pink slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant muted green slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant white baby purple slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant muted blue slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant baby pink circle iron-on clothing labels elephant white baby pink circle iron-on clothing labels elephant muted green circle iron-on clothing labels elephant white baby purple circle iron-on clothing labels elephant muted blue circle iron-on clothing labels elephant baby pink rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant white baby pink rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant muted green rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant white baby purple rectangle iron-on clothing labels elephant muted blue rectangle iron-on clothing labels

iron-on clothing labels

Elephant Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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slim rectangle farm animals iron-on clothing labels rectangle farm animals iron-on clothing labels circle farm animals iron-on clothing labels

iron-on clothing labels

Farm Animals Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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personal iron on clothing labels laundry safe iron on labels

iron-on clothing labels

Fire Truck Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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flamingo light pink slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light pink rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light pink circle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light blue slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light blue rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light blue circle iron-on clothing labels flamingo yellow green slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo yellow green rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo yellow green circle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light purple slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light purple rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo light purple circle iron-on clothing labels flamingo white slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo white rectangle iron-on clothing labels flamingo white circle iron-on clothing labels

iron-on clothing labels

Flamingo Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral mint slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral turquoise slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral white slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral blue slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral pink rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral mint rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral turquoise rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral white rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral blue rectangle iron-on clothing labels floral pink circle iron-on clothing labels floral mint circle iron-on clothing labels floral turquoise circle iron-on clothing labels floral white circle iron-on clothing labels floral blue circle iron-on clothing labels floral pink

iron-on clothing labels

Floral Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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custom kids clothing iron-ons custom kids clothing iron-ons custom kids clothing iron-ons custom kids clothing iron-ons custom kids clothing iron-ons laundry labels laundry labels laundry labels laundry labels laundry labels

iron-on clothing labels

Flower Power Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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kids iron on name labels kids clothing labels personalized iron on name labels

iron-on clothing labels

Flowers Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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football slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels football rectangle iron-on clothing labels football circle iron-on clothing labels

iron-on clothing labels

Football Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals blue slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals pink slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals green slim rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals purple rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals blue rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals pink rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals green rectangle iron-on clothing labels forest animals purple circle iron-on clothing labels forest animals blue circle iron-on clothing labels forest animals pink circle iron-on clothing labels forest animals green circle iron-on clothing labels forest animals purple

iron-on clothing labels

Forest Animals Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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kids iron-on labels with forest silhouette and sky design kids iron-on labels with forest silhouette and sky design kids iron-on labels with forest silhouette and sky design kids iron-on labels with forest silhouette and sky design kids iron-on labels with forest silhouette and sky design iron-on labels for kids with forest silhouette and sky design iron-on labels for kids with forest silhouette and sky design iron-on labels for kids with forest silhouette and sky design iron-on labels for kids with forest silhouette and sky design iron-on labels for kids with forest silhouette and sky design circle iron-on name labels with forest silhouette and sky design circle iron-on name labels with forest silhouette and sky design circle iron-on name labels with forest silhouette and sky design circle iron-on name labels with forest silhouette and sky design circle iron-on name labels with forest silhouette and sky design

iron-on clothing labels

Forest Sky Iron-On Clothing Labels

68 Labels / $29.99

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Our iron-on clothing labels come in handy for kids who hate the feeling of care tags itching the back of their necks, and parents cut them right off to avoid their kids pulling at the collar and stretching the shirt. Without the care tag or brand imprint on the clothing, there is still hope for keeping the items out of the lost and found! Our iron-on clothing labels can be placed directly on almost any fabric, and with our super easy instructions on how to iron them on, these durable iron-on labels will stay put through any wash and care cycle! Made from premium material and eco-friendly ink, these custom iron-on clothing labels are top of the line. Press an iron to t-shirts, socks, towels, coats, mittens, hats, and more because these iron-on custom labels are durable, waterproof, and also laundry and dryer safe, so you won't need to reapply them! Check out our entire selection of clothing labels that can be personalized with your child’s favorite pattern and color.


How long-lasting are iron-on labels?

Our iron-on clothing labels are our most long-lasting; they’re nearly impossible to remove once applied. These labels will last through laundry cycles, play dates, sleepovers, [camp](, sporting events, and everything else; we make them to endure all your child’s adventures. While they are permanent, these iron-on clothes labels are removable with intent.

How do I apply kids’ iron-on clothing labels?

Before starting the application, ensure the garment is clean and dry, and heat your iron to its highest cotton setting. Peel the label from the sheet (never cut) and place it where you’d like it to go on your child’s clothes; place the included parchment paper over the label and press the iron to it for about 15-20 seconds– iron the label evenly. Allow the label to sit for 24 hours before laundering or getting wet.

Which sizes of iron-on labels are available?

We offer three sizes of iron-on clothing labels: slim rectangle, rectangle, and circle. Our slim rectangle is our most popular iron-on label shape. If you’d like to add more than a name to the label, our [contact clothing labels]( allow for an additional line of personalization.

Are iron-on clothing labels permanent?

Yes, our iron-on labels are a permanent labeling solution. These [clothing labels]( will stay securely in place on your child’s apparel through day-to-day activities and every laundry cycle. Per customer review: our iron-on labels last longer than their child’s clothing!

Can I use iron-on clothing labels for non-apparel items?

Absolutely! Our iron-on labels are versatile enough for towels, sleeping bags, blankets, hats, and other non-clothing items. They adhere perfectly and easily to most fabric items.