Cuddle Up Day – A New Tradition
The coldest days of the year are coming and with them – Cuddle Up Day! A new national day is scheduled for January 6, Cuddle Up Day. With the popularity of the Danish idea of Hygge, it makes sense that we’d have a day dedicated to snuggling and enjoying cozy comfort with those we love.
How can you make the most of National Cuddle Up Day and create your own tradition of embracing these long, chilly days? We’ve pulled together some tips and ideas for a cuddle-fest that will make it a favorite for you and everyone in your family. Remember, it’s not about creating another special day that requires lots of work from you, it’s about enjoying a cozy break.
Schedule Cuddle Time
Most people can’t afford to spend an entire day tucked inside, especially when this special day falls on a Thursday this year. But if you schedule actual, real cuddling-up-with-your-loved-one time for the morning or after school or work, it becomes a priority. Best of all, you can use it to set the mood for the entire day.
Fresh Cozy Winter-Wear
Pick out a new pair of soft mittens or a hat for yourself and your family members. Keeping them toasty warm when they’re outside in the snow is always a priority, and you might be able to get them to comply and wear their mittens when it’s part of a celebration.
Remember to label all of their winter accessories with Name Bubbles clothing labels so those winter gloves, hats, and coats keep coming home.

You might have to be a little careful here, some people don’t want to be hugged and most people aren’t ready for random hugs at work or in public, but you can hug those you love. Make a point of giving those close to you a good, long and firm hug on this day. Why? Because it’s healthy! Did you know there are health benefits from hugging?
- Hugs reduce stress and anxiety
- Hugs show emotional support
- Hugs boost heart health by reducing blood pressure for an extended time
- Hugs release oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone” which makes people happy
- Hugs can reduce pain
- Hugs show people that they belong and reinforce connections
Comfort Food
What is your family’s favorite comfort food? Is it something sweet like grandma’s homemade apple pie or is it savory like mashed potatoes? Why not create your family meal based on favorite comfort foods. Sure, it might end up being a little odd, but who cares – it’s for Cuddle Up Day!
Set the Stage
If you’ve decided your family cuddle time will be in the evening, set the stage by playing some soothing music, lighting candles, and pulling out your coziest blankets. If it’s a morning cuddle – call everyone together to join in the bedroom for a bit of snuggle time before heading out for the day. A breakfast in bed is a great idea, as long as it’s something easy that you can have on hand. Remember, it’s about enjoying the time together and not creating more work for yourself.
Prepare for Active Littles
If you have active little ones (and big ones) getting them to cuddle for a half hour might be impossible, but if you prepare then you might be able to get a little more quality time. Pull out all of your pillows and cozy blankets and set up a cuddle zone (or a cuddle fort) on the floor and play a game of staying in the zone. You might need books to distract, games, favorite toys and lovies, or you might have to resort to a movie. Whatever it takes to get you those precious cuddles – it’s worth it.

Don’t Forget the Pets
Sometimes our furry and four-legged family members are the best cuddlers there are. Make sure you include them in your cuddle-fest and add a little treat for them too. A couple extra snacks, maybe a new toy, and they’re happy to shower you with love and cuddly fun.
Inside and Outside
One of the best times to cuddle is when you’re tired and cold, so why not take advantage of that. Start with the opposite of cuddling and head outside with your loved ones for a walk or play time in the snow. Then come in and snuggle up with some hot chocolate, a toasty blanket, and wrapped up in the arms of those who mean the most to you.
The real goal of Cuddle Up Day is to take a moment to enjoy those little things in life. To stop running for a moment and celebrate those you love or to take the time to celebrate yourself and enjoy relaxing and cozy warmth. It seems like we’re all a bit too busy and rushing from one thing to the next without taking the time to appreciate those things that really matter. Cuddle Up Day is a wonderful way to start your year off on the right foot. Rather than planning for the next year and the things you want, it’s the perfect opportunity to appreciate the things you have.