Holidays & Gifts

Mother's Day Gift Ideas Your Mom Will Love!

Ariel Luy


Apr 27, 23

“My mother has always been my emotional barometer and my guidance. I was lucky enough to get to have one woman who truly helped me through everything,” shares actress Emma Stone, perfectly summing up how important and valuable a mother’s love and support is. To be frank: no gift can equally express the love, patience, and gratitude our mothers share with us daily. But as Mother’s Day approaches, we aim to share a few meaningful Mothers Day gifts that can serve as a tangible “I love you!” or a small reminder of good memories for you and your mother.

Gift Idea #1: Beau-TEA-ful Reminders

We can’t think of a more beautiful person than your loving momma! That’s why our first of many Mother’s Day gifts idea is perfect for a tea-loving and beau-TEA-ful lady. 

Here’s What You Need: 

  • A box of tea
  • Scrapbook paper or cardstock
  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Paper Cutter
  • Stapler


If your mom loves tea, grab a box of her favorite tea flavor and remove the premade tags. Next, grab a pack of scrapbook paper or cardstock and use a paper cutter or scissors to cut out a heart shape. Then, you’ll need a pen and a stapler. On each piece of paper you just cut out, write a characteristic, attribute or quality about your mom you adore. Then, staple the tea bag string to the new heart tags. Place into a decorative box or bag and add a tag that reads, “Mom, I think you are Beau-TEA-ful! Here are the things I love about you.” 

If your mom is not a tea drinker and has a sweet tooth or prefers her morning coffee over tea, you can make a variation of this DIY by still using an empty container to house her favorite treat and include small notes of characteristics you appreciate about her in the box.

Gift Idea #2: Sticker Greeting Cards

Our sister brand, Sticker & Co, aims to bring important memories to life and to celebrate the important people you love. If you have a sentimental momma who loves old photos and words of affirmation, this is a perfect and personalized gift she’ll surely love. After all, whose mother doesn’t love a good ole family picture?

Here’s What You Need:

  • A photo of your choice
  • A short message
  • A Sticker Greeting Card


Sticker & Co’s photo configurator is easy to use in bringing your image to life. Simply head to Sticker & Co’s website, navigate to our Mother’s Day Sticker Greeting Card tab, and find a greeting card design that suits your fancy. Then, upload your photo of choice and personalize a meaningful message for your mom. After ordering your Sticker Greeting Card, wait for your masterpiece to arrive and delight in the smile in your mom’s face! Plus, this card will live on past Mother’s Day. It transforms into two stickers your mom can use to decorate any surface like a laptop, water bottle, or fridge.

Sticker & Co also has Sticker Greeting Cards for your grandmother and a ton of variating new Mothers Day designs the whole family will love. 

Gift Idea #3: Name Bubbles Labels

Motherhood can be messy and confusing. There will be times when you feel frantic, can’t find any essential things, and feel like you’re just trying to keep your head above water. That’s why Name Bubbles labels are a great gift idea for Mother’s Day.

Our goal is to make a parent’s life easier. Whether it’s organizing items for daycare, prepping your kiddos for the soccer camp drop off, or just keeping your own home clean, we aim to do it all. Our labels were created by fellow mom Michelle Brandriss, when she realized she could not find a solution to keeping her son’s items organized and out of the lost-and-found in preschool. So let’s talk about the labels we recommend for Mother’s Day.

Write On-Labels

These labels are great for mothers who are fans of the Home Edit or just looking to organize their pantry or closet. These labels come with our hydro grip pencil, which is removable with water and a wipe. So once you place these labels onto a container, you won’t have to grab the rubbing alcohol to scrub away any Sharpie or struggle to tear off pre-made labels. Simply peel and stick these labels to any container, let cure for 24 hours, and then write on with the hydro grip pencil. Now these labels will withstand any water, dishwashing, or laundry machine and keep your home nice and neat. 

Neutral Color Labels

It’s no secret that today's moms LOVE neutral colors, so we launched our new neutral labels. One of our favorite ways to personalize labels is to add our last names and then use them on water bottles, containers, suitcases, headphones, and more. Personalized gifts can be the most meaningful and special!

Gift Idea #4: Mom, you’re a LIGHT in my life! 

Want to know a mom guilty pleasure? Candles! Since moms love candles, we thought of a creative way to personalize this gift.

Here’s What You Need: 

  • Plain Candles
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Scrapbook Paper or Cardstock
  • Ribbon


Take the plain candles and use acrylic paint to decorate them however you like. Next, once the candles are dry, tie them together with a ribbon. Use a piece of scrapbook paper or cardstock to write: “Dear Mom, you’re a LIGHT in my life!” and attach it to the ribbon.


We know a mother’s love is irreplaceable and impossible to match with gifts, but we hope these ideas help the wonderful woman in your life feel celebrated and loved.  No matter what you choose to gift your mom, make sure to give her a hug and say, “Thank you!” this Mother’s Day.

For more DIYs and gift ideas, check out our other blog posts here.