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Whether your office is still in quarantine or you discovered that working from home is better for you, you’re about to face another summer break. That means the kids are home from school, and they certainly make some interesting “co-workers.” But, even for people who love their new WFH life, you have to admit having to wipe tushies, make snacks, and watch your little one do a somersault forty times when you’re trying to get work done is difficult.
Picking the right preschool for you and your child is a big decision. It’s not just about what’s closest. And the preschool you pick will probably not determine the trajectory of the rest of your child’s life. This is no doubt a time of anxiety for you and your child, but it should also be a time of joy and celebration.
Last year was a difficult one for all kids' camps as they struggled to navigate the best COVID procedures and keep everyone as safe as possible. This year more camp centers should be opening back up, and day camp will be a welcome treat for everyone in the family.
Sharing is one of the skills you begin teaching your little one as soon as they start grabbing for things. It's an important lesson for their development socially, intellectually, and emotionally. As parents, we often teach this skill without even thinking about its value to those little developing minds.
Summer is approaching, and that means it’s time for summer camp! It looks like there will be more options this year with summer camp activities as vaccinations continue to roll out, and we’ve all become better at managing life during the pandemic. This is excellent news for everyone. Your little ones are going to love making new friends and having different experiences. And you’ll love having a little time to yourself after an incredibly trying year.
The dog days of summer are quickly coming. Whether this summer will be like 2020 or if it will return to a season of carefree fun has yet to be determined. However, we know that those kids are getting restless, and summer camp will be a must this year. If you're a summer camp seasoned pro, then you've got an idea of what types of camps work best for you and your kids. But the following tips might help you navigate the new waters of a (hopefully) post-COVID camp season.
The world is slowly opening back up, and there are things we’ve all missed. Getting “back to normal” isn’t going to happen overnight; but it’s reassuring looking to the horizon and seeing more and more things slowly returning to pre-2020 standards.
Choosing a daycare can be one of the less exciting but most important decisions we make as parents. You may be filled with anxiety about leaving your child in the care of someone new or stressed about returning to your work-life after such a significant change at home, or even just adjusting to a new routine. It's natural for this transitional time to be overwhelming for a family. No matter what point you are in your journey to choosing a daycare provider, here is a simple list to help guide you towards making the best choice for you and your child.
The 2021 Top 10 Must Haves for New Babies In 2021, it seems like we're all looking for a reason to celebrate, and a newborn is just about the best reason there is. This is the perfect time to put a little extra thought or effort into a baby shower gift or a push present. Sure, you can load them up on diapers and onesie.
For most of us, our school year is officially underway. This school year is certainly unique compared to years past, and more than likely, your school-year has been adjusted in some way to fit the current climate. Remote learning, for one, has become an essential part of the new normal. However, it can be challenging to find a groove in online learning when it is still growing as a new concept.
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